Get-Service DiagTrack | Select-Object -Property Name, StartType, Status You can also query the whole thing using PowerShell with the following commands in an administrative PowerShell console: Set 'Windows Error Reporting Service' (WerSvc) from 'Manual' to 'Disabled'.'User experience and telemetry in connected mode' (DiagTrack) from 'Automatic' to 'Disabled'.To do this, go to Computer Management as an administrator and select the Services branch (or call Services directly as an administrator via the Start menu search. The point of attack is to disable the relevant services for telemetry (DiagTrack) and Windows Error Reporting (WER / WerSvc) via the Services Manager. Which is then set to 0 or 1 and allows or disables error reporting. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting To do this, enter the following commands in an administrative PowerShell console. You can query, disable and also re-enable Windows Error Reporting (WER) using PowerShell with the following commands.
#Oo shutup10 erfahrungen windows 10
Here roughly the web pattern using Windows 10 20H2 as an example: Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER) A few days ago the information also came from Patrick, who implemented the whole thing via PowerShell. Mark writes that the easiest way to disable the services in question is via GPO for the clients and gives the relevant information. Mark Heitbrink already described it in October 2020 on German site in the article Windows 10 Telemetrie und Diagnosedaten richtig abschalten. Maybe the people who download the application from O&O can give feedback if telemetry remains disabled with version. Available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
#Oo shutup10 erfahrungen update
FIX: Disable automatic driver updates by Windows update.

In the changelog you can find the following hints about a fix for the disabled telemetry data collection: On March 30, 2021, the O&O developers have released version 1.8 of the freeware O&O Shutup10 – thanks to Gerold for the tip. Whether the article made a difference, I don't know, but something is moving. O&O had been aware of the problem for weeks. A switched off telemetry data collection is automatically activated again under Windows 10 20 H2. I had discussed the problem with O&O Shutup a few days ago in the blog post Windows 10 20H2 activates telemetry despite O&O Shutup 10 settings.