Our aim is that using our OCT service will reduce patients getting unnecessary appointments to the hospital eye service and will reduce patient anxiety. Our experienced retinal screeners look for specific indicators of clinically significant macular oedema, and if any are detected, an OCT will be carried out on the patient to see if there is any thickening of the retina. When patients attend their screening appointment they will have their eyes photographed as normal. Images captured in OCT clinics are graded by experienced retinal screeners and reviewed by consultant ophthalmologists who decide the clinical outcome either a return to annual screening, continue OCT (at 1-9 month intervals) or a referral to the Hospital Eye Service. Macular oedema is harder to detect on the traditional 2D digital photographs used for screening.

And the American Academy of Dermatology specifically names retinoids on its list of ingredients that are unsafe during pregnancy and should be stopped immediately. OCT is used for evaluating the layered structure of the back of your eye (the retina) and is used to determine if there is any ‘swelling’ (macular oedema). Research confirms that retinol can be transferred from parent to baby through the placenta, and up to 60 times more while breastfeeding. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Clinics Screening for pregnant patient is undertaken in the Digital Surveillance clinics. All antenatal patients should be screened within their first trimester and then at set intervals during pregnancy. Pregnancy can increase the risk of rapid progression of diabetic retinopathy. The Slit Lamp allows for a 3D examination of the back of your eyes. Slit Lamp appointments are made if photographs taken during your routine eye screen did not give a clear enough view of the back of your eyes.ĭrops will be put in your eyes to allow your pupils to dilate, or get bigger. Closer monitoring and treatment for diabetic retinopathy.If images of your retina confirm signs of serious changes, you may be referred to a hospital eye service for further investigation or treatment. If images of your retina show signs of improving you may be returned to routine annual screening. Offered every 3, 6, 9 or 12 months depending on the type and progression of the changes to your eyes. Digital Surveillance Appointmentĭigital Surveillance appointments are made to closely monitor any changes found during your annual routine diabetic eye screening test. The 12 x 12 mm scan is only available on research prototypes.

The en-face acquisition areas currently range from 2 × 2 mm to 12 × 12 mm with the scan quality greatly decreased with a widened field of view since the same number of OCT b-scans is used for all scanning areas. In some circumstances you may be called back to attend another type of screening as per below. inner retina, outer retina, choriocapillaris, or other area of interest. An expert studies the photographs of your eyes after you have been screened. Photographs of the back of your eye will be taken. OCTA Pregnancy pregnancy-specific retinal vascular diseases retinal capillary plexus trimester.Each year anyone who has diabetes and is aged 12 or over will be offered a routine diabetic eye screening test. These results can provide information that should be taken into account in the evaluation and investigation of pregnancy-specific retinal vascular pathologies. Conclusion: This study showed retinal vascular changes secondary to pregnancy, especially in the vessel density of DCP. There was no statistically significant difference observed in vessel density of SCP, DCP, and RPC between the different trimesters and the control group, and none of these data correlated with the gestational week. Although the FAZ area was wider in pregnancy group, this difference was not statistically significant (p:0.661). On the other hand, the vessel density of SCP in the pregnancy group did not show a manifest change in all regions except the foveal region as in DCP. Results: In the pregnancy group, the vessel density of DCP was higher in all regions than the control group except the foveal region, but this difference could not reach statistical significance. The foveal avascular zone (FAZ) area and the vessel density percentages of the superficial capillary plexus (SCP), deep capillary plexus (DCP), and radial peripapillary capillary (RPC) of all the groups were evaluated by OCTA. Besides, the OCTA parameters of three trimesters were compared between themselves and the control group. The OCTA parameters of one eye (left) of pregnancy group and control group were compared. Materials and Methods: This prospective, cross-sectional study included 97 pregnant women and age-matched 34 healthy control subjects. Purpose: To investigate retinal vascular changes in pregnant women using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).